
The following is translated from Chinese by ChatGPT.

VuePress Theme Mix is a third-party theme developed for VuePress 2. Based on the default theme of VuePress 2, it is a hybrid theme deeply customized in terms of layout and color matching, hence the name Mix(ture).

Before using this theme, please make sure to read the following instructions carefully before making a decision.


First of all, it should be noted that as the author of this theme, I am not a professional front-end developer. When I started this project, I had limited knowledge of many front-end concepts, most of which were learned on-the-fly during development. In addition, due to my limited skills, you may encounter some issues when using this theme.

Furthermore, VuePress Theme Mix is only a side project of mine that I work on in my spare time. I may not be able to fix or address issues in a timely manner, whether they are reported on GitHub issues or sent to me via email. If you have front-end development experience and time allows, I would greatly appreciate it if you could submit a PR to improve the project.

In summary, the author does not guarantee the stability of this theme in a production environment, and users need to weigh the risks themselves.

As mentioned earlier, Mix is based on the default theme of VuePress 2, and although it has added some new features and functionality, it still maintains a high degree of consistency in terms of usage and configuration. However, using this theme does not require prior knowledge of the default theme of VuePress 2. The documentation will cover all configuration options and usage instructions for Mix, even if a significant portion of the configuration options are the same. If you have already decided to use Mix, then please continue reading.